Monday, May 21, 2012

HBO spews about fat people

HBO's new 4 part documentary targeting the problem of obesity called the Weight of a Nation premiered this past week. This isn't a review because I didn't watch it.

I surmise the series makes the point that Americans are too fat, and it is BAD for us. We eat junk food, don't exercise, and sit around watching HBO.  Really? NO! What a fucking revelation!

As a nation we have been non-stop dieting for 40 years and since we are way fatter than when we started,  what do they suggest we do?

Maybe everyone with a BMI over 27 should just have our bowels cut out? Or maybe the Almighty Government should lock our heads in a iron mask until we are no longer such a fat national threat.
There are fat-phobics out there and you know who you are - I bet they like the sound of those ideas.
Next it will be a "war on obesity" - I bet that will work about as well as the "war on drugs".

To media types and the Washington politicos:  Just beware how you arouse the sleeping giant.
 If fat is an epidemic, and more than 1/3 of all Americans are obese and another 1/3 are overweight, (thank goodness my fat head can still do math), then that would make us ... a majority.  With the right amount of defamation,  and the resulting anger,  fat people could muster their self-esteem, unite and transform into a political force. The thought brings me much joy.

Forget Independents and swing states, they better start worrying about how to get the fat vote. 
Wouldn't that be sweet?